Case discussion of jaundice


This is an E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable comments in comment box are most welcomed 

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "Patient clinical data analysis" to develop my cmpetancy i reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.  

Jan 12,2022

Bhavani Vegesena

Roll no:141

13 year old male patient complaining of yellowish discolouration of eyes and yellow urine.


A 13 year old male child, studying in grade 7 at a school in Miryalguda was brought to the Medicine OPD with complaints of:

• Yellowish discolouration of eyes since 9 days 
• Yellow colored urine since 9 days.


The patient was apparently asymptomatic as a newborn - healthy term baby, cried immediately after vaginal delivery.
He had physiological jaundice that resolved spontaneously. 
He is immunized as per schedule.

At 8 months of age: he developed altered bowel habits - 1 week of passage of loose stools followed by 1 week of passing normal stools.
Later he continued to pass loose stools for 2-3  months and became cachetic.
He was taken to the hospital where he was given IV antibiotics and 2 FFP transfusions. 
He recovered in about 3 months time and according to hospital discharge summary, he was suspected to be suffering from :
• Celiac disease
• Chronic diarrhea 
• Chronic Malabsorption

On further inquiry, the parents said that he used to have recurrent cold, coughs and fever. He also has used inhalers - during winters - for 1 year. 
He wasn't admitted to a hospital at any point.
There is no history of Pneumonia.

At 9 years of age : parents noticed a swelling in the neck and took him to an ENT doctor. From there he was referred to an endocrinologist where he was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism.
Medication used - Thyronorm - initially 150 mcg, later increased to 180mcg, everyday.

There is history of chronic itching over palms and foot since 9 years of age - Dermatologist prescribed medications for dry skin.

At 12 years of age : he had Chicken pox that resolved in about 10 days time.

Now , at 13 years of age : he was brought with complaints of: 
• Yellowish discolouration of eyes since 9 days
• One episode of bilious vomiting in the morning.
• Yellow colored urine since 9 days.

No cold/cough
No fever
No pain abdomen 
No loose stools/ clay colored stools
No history of small joint pains

He was treated by a local pediatrician, but because of constant rise in bilirubin levels he was referred here for further treatment.


• There is no history of similar complaints in the past.
• He is on regular medication for Hypothyroidism for past 5 years.
• He is not a known case of DM, HTN, ASTHAMA,TB, EPILEPSY. 
• No history of surgeries in the past.


Diet                   - Mixed
Sleep                - Adequate
Appetite            - Increased (after admission)
Bowl & Bladder - Normal
Addictions         - Nil
Allergies.           - Nil


He  is a 4th order child ,born out of grade 4 consanguinous marriage.
He had one elder sister - who expired at 5 years of age.
He has 2 elders brothers.

His sister was the first child.
She was asymoptomatic till 2 years of age ,then she developed shortness of breath and was rushed to hospital,where here condition detiorated and had to be admitted. 
She was diagnosed to have splenomegaly and her blood counts were decreasing. 
She was given multiple blood transfusions, every 25 days,for one year- but remained anemic.
She also underwent bone marrow biopsy twice .
According to parents she was given steriods for one year before her death. 
She never had jaundice or recurrent infections.

Eldest brother is 19 year old and second brother is 16.

Second brother had history of fever and white coloured loose stools at the age of 5 years , for which he was taken to the Nalgonda hospital. 
He recovered on medication. 
He was also diagnosed with anemia from which he recovered with some medications.
No history of Jaundice in this brother.


Consent of the patient taken.
The patient is conscious,coherent and cooperative; well oriented to time,place and person.

He is sitting comfortably on the bed.

He is lean build and moderately nourished.

• Height - 156cm
• Weight - 32kgs 

• Pallor- present 
• Icterus - present
• Clubbing - absent
• Cyanosis - absent
• Lymphadenopathy - absent
• Edema - absent

He has scars from his recent Chickenpox infection on limbs and trunk.

VITALS: (on the day of admn)

• Temperature - Afebrile.
• Pulse rate - 78/minute 
• Respiratory rate - 20/minute
• Blood pressure (left arm) - 120/70 mm of Hg.



Cardiac sounds:S1 and S2 heard.
Thrills: No
Cardiac Murmurs :not heard

Dyspnoea: No
Wheeze: No
Position of the trachea: central
Breath sounds: Normal vesicular breath sounds heard.

Soft abdomen
Tenderness: Not
Palpable mass: No
Hernial orifices: Normal
Liver: Not palpable
Spleen: Palpable (moderate spleenomegaly)
Bowel sounds: normal
Genitals: Normal

Conscious and coherent.
Speech normal.
Normal sensory and motor responses.


On the day of admission:

On day 3 of admission :

On day 4 of admission:

Hemoglobin electrophoresis:

Urine analysis: 

• Salts and bile pigments- positive.


Negative for HIV, HCV, HbsAg, Dengue, Malaria and Typhoid.


• Thyroditis
• Spectrum of Autoimmune diseases.
• Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia.
• Chronic itching of both hands and limbs - suggests CVID (common variable immunodeficiency).


• Tab. Thyronorm - 200mg PO OD.
• Tab. Methylprednisolone - 32mg PO OD.
• Tab. Atarax - 10mg PO OD.
• Physiogel lotion - local application BD.

The patient is now under observation.


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